Datuk Yong Teck Lee,
You are correct. We Sabahan never knew no ketuanan Melayu in the past. But today, you see they are everywhere. Our Tun Mustapha and Tun Fuad never signed any acknowledgement or agreement on the Ketuanan Melayu. We are safeguarded by the 20 points and we must stand and defend the 20 points. KL have been ruling our lives eversince we formed the Federation. Its high time we formed a political alliance with patriots from Sarawak to look after our common interest.
Datuk, I can hear the beating of our gongs frm far away, coming your way. We trust no more west Malaysian politicians coming to teach us how to live our lives. We beat our gongs for the day we thrash the hell out of the west malaysians colonizers.
written by Sabahfan, December 03, 2009
YONG TOLI... I also know history bah....
I a sabahan knows.... when PBS was in power you believed in multiracial party.
When PBS was downtrodden by UMNO you believed in Chinese party only.... so where is one malaysia now???
YOU were 2 year CM rotated under Mahafiraun, you did nothing apart from promote Saham Sabah which caused many sabahans to be bankrupted.
I do not see any contributions you made during your tenure as chief minister apart from approving choice lands to your cronies.
Now without any positions, you go back to issues championed long time ago... You should be keeping up with times. Your old issues u should have done something when you were CM, dont matter if no result at least you must proved that you tried something on the issues you are now championing.
What have you done on the PTI issues while chief minister? Didnt you asked you BN boss then to send all the Polipin home?
Aha.... I remember tooo, the Abu Sayap who kidnapped the western tourist PREFER you and your gang to be intermediary for the negotiations..
YONG TOLI, until today you have not explain your role on the ABU SAYAP cases.
did you get a commission on the ransom figures for abu sayap??
we await your answers.... Young toli supporters please send this message to your boss
Besides his balding scalp , there is nothing at all bold about this Yong Teck Lee character. His two years as Sabah's Chief Minister during Mahathir's reigned will remained as his best personal political achievement but the two years that he held the states Chief Executives post will go down as one of the worst of several episodes in Sabah's 46 year history.
Yong was nothing but a choir boy in Mahathir's administration. The catchy gimmick of ' Malaysia Boleh' introduced by Mahathir's public relations outfit was echoed by Yong with his mimicry rendition-ed of 'Sabah Boleh ' . Other than that it was the same old routine of plundering and with the limited time at his disposal , he plundered the states resources with lightning speed - danildaud
THE people of Sabah lived in harmony without racial or religious conflicts with no communist threat and very little crime before Malaysia was formed. Sabah then was governed by London with a locally appointed Legislative Council.

“Apart from being the poorest State, Sabah is now riddled with imported racism and religious suspicions,” he said in a statement responding to the Deputy Prime Minister who had said Datuk Yong was “outdated” in comparing Kuala Lumpur with the British colonialists.
The former Chief Minister said the Sabah Head of State has to be advised by the head of Barisan Nasional ruling coalition in Kuala Lumpur before swearing in the Chief Minister.
Yong said things got worse when even Members of Parliament and Assemblymen have to be endorsed by Kuala Lumpur before they can become election candidates. “Hence our political leaders have become subservient to Kuala Lumpur ,” he added. “In reality, Sabah has lost whatever autonomy that our founding fathers expected in 1963,” he said.
He further said Article IV of the Malaysia Agreement 1963 binds the United Kingdom to transfer sovereignty and jurisdiction over Sabah to Malaysia . He said, as such it was not wrong to say that political control of Sabah has shifted from colonial capital London to national capital Kuala Lumpur (now Putrajaya).
On the issue of the public service, he said the Point number 8 of the Twenty Points submitted by Sabah representatives to the Cobbold Commission is on the Borneonisation of the public service. The Cobbold Commission, formed to ascertain the views of the people of North Borneo (now Sabah) and Sarawak on the Malaysia proposal, accepted the Borneonisation condition in their report of 21 June 1962 as follows: “Borneonisation of the public services should proceed as quickly as possible”. The Malayan representative in the commission was Tan Sri Ghazali Shafie.
This Borneonisation condition was then incorporated into the Report of the Inter-Governmental Committee on 27 February 1963 as follows: “Borneonisationn of the public services in the Borneo states is a major objective of policy. For a number of years to come special arrangements will be necessary to secure this objective and to protect the legitimate interests of the Native peoples”.
Finally, the Malaysia Agreement dated 9 July 1963 binds the Governments of Malaya, North Borneo (now Sabah) and Sarawak to Borneonisation. “This is contained in Article VIII of the Malaysia Agreement,” Yong said. He said therefore it is sad that after 46 years of Malaysia , out of the 81 federal department and 39 agencies, only 38 per cent are headed by local Malaysians.
“As for the cream of service, the Pegawai Tadbir Diplomat, only 3 per cent are Sabahans. This excludes statistics on the armed forces and Royal Malaysia Police (PDRM). None of Malaysia ’s ambassadors is a Malaysian from Sabah ,” he said.
He said those local heads of departments have to refer most matters to their Putrajaya head offices for decisions. Citing example, he said the High Court of Sabah and Sarawak cannot even employ a clerk. He added that the list goes on
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