Monday, December 27, 2010

The 1 Malaysia Concept

"Ever since the 2008 elections , politicians have begun to look more like representatives of their respective parties than their respective constituents. While i tend to agree that no labels is an inspirational movement, because it rallies Malaysians to promote the ideas that our leaders have failed to advocate which are sound policies, not strong parties, sensible dialogue, and not senseless division. This glaring truth is made worst  when petty issues such as the 1Malaysia concept has got extremists in Government and opposition entrench themselves in senseless bickering over an issue best reserved for  " kopitiam  hours" to say the least.
Notwithstanding  that the  concept  of 1 Malaysia will  indeed be a binding factor for all Malaysians and 'carry ' out the vital duty of keeping our nation’s leaders focused and committed to moving Malaysia forward., my educated assessment (open to debate) says , the Prime Minister is dead serious on this 1 Malaysia ideology and for this alone we should put our differences aside and rally behind him"
Danil Daud

I for one as a citizen of this country fully subscribe to the 1 Malaysia concept introduced by The Prime Minister.  

The Prime Minister in his recent Christmas Day speech had said that '1Malaysia'  is apolitical and should be accepted as such without the need to blindly hurled abuses at the concept .

. I echo his sentiments and believe Malaysians should abide by this sincere intent  of  The Prime Minister in wanting a united Malaysia  by   viewing the 1 Malaysia slogan as a useful tool  to be applied in noble perspectives. A concept  which in overtime be construed as and when put into practiced  through fair transparent  policies  be one of several determining factors in bringing the diverse ethnicity  of our nation together

Hence , The recent banning  the usage of the 1 Malaysia slogan in and around Selangor reflects badly on the Selangor State Government. Their(Selangor State Government) manoeuvrings on this subject should instead  be taken as a move filled with hidden political agenda.

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