Monday, December 3, 2018

Yes,  I am a blogger๐Ÿ–•๐Ÿ–• myself and we did cross swords on several occasions.

And yes again,
Papagomo befits the title "Big Bully" .

In his heyday, as recent as before the outcome of GE 14 when UMNO was the masters of the Malayan universe  he was the supremacist party's number one honcho operating from within and without  propagating bloodshed, delivering threats and casting aspersions on particularly the others (read non Malays) .

Political enemies of similar creed and religious belief were rendered outcast for rubbing shoulders with the "infidels"..

To UMNO , in order to submerge their theft of the nation's coffers the likes of Papagomo comes in handy,  prioritise as a running dog to viciously hound at so called dissenters.
Bangsa and Agama has always been the epidemiological ( the cure and the disease) stance, the domain and a cling to authority regardless of the consequences.

it was always about the effectiveness of  instigation, the fanning of religous sensitivities and every other aspect of subjugation to grasp on to Power.

The obvious outcome after 60 years of UMNO hegemony has all but this to offer.

The clarion indoctrination of "UMNO malay" supremacy has led the country astray deep into the woods,

 An edict preached too often that has sadly penetrated into the abysmal depths of Malayan society.

The present government bears the brunt thus suffer the wrath of the Malay masses on various reform agendas..

What is anticipated hence feared , after Mahathir who possessed  the guts to take the bulls by the horns, the present government under tremendous pressure would concede and do a u turn henceforth begin pandering to the brainwashed Malay masses...
If this were to happen and history were to repeat itself,  then yup!!! We are ushered back to square one....

Israel has gone too far

Barbarous as it was... No one ...not even a person endowed with the slightest fraction of decency would either support or condoned the inhu...