
Thursday, March 10, 2011

An analysis reading of John Jambuns " THE ROOT CAUSES OF POVERTY EXPOSED " , is masked with a wider range of disgruntlement than the articles caption aptly suggest .

An analysis reading of John Jambuns   " THE ROOT CAUSES OF POVERTY EXPOSED " , is masked with a wider range of disgruntlement than the articles caption  aptly suggest
Map of Langkawi Map of Penang Map of Kuala Lumpur Map of Malacca Map of Singapore Map of Malaysia States Map of Malaysia States on Borneo
Map of Malaysia
Map of Langkawi Map of Penang Map of Kuala Lumpur Map of Malacca Map of Singapore Map of Malaysia States Map of Malaysia States on Borneo

Map of Langkawi Map of Penang Map of Kuala Lumpur Map of Malacca Map of Singapore Map of Malaysia States Map of Malaysia States on Borneo
Acting in his capacity as the spokesperson of newly form United Borneo Front , a loose coalition of  a Non Governmental Outfit  centered in Malaysia Borneo , a platform  utilized to voice out grievances on the numerous woes and allegedly   lopsided deals the two Borneo entities had to endure the past 48 years .   The situation in Malaysia  particularly in the two Malaysia Borneo states   seems to be that the federal government has reneged it's obligations as stipulating in their constitutional contract albeit the 20/18 point agreement with the Borneo states and the people. Faced with a situation where the Malayan control central government has severed the constitutional contract, the people of these two entities  are then legitimated in seeking to enact a new general government that is willing to respect this existing constitutional contract. 

UBF stance is : That Sabah/Sarawak are not to be regarded as sovereign members by virtue of being  merely states in the Malaysian federation as neither  Sabah nor Sarawak  are  a signatory party to the 1957 Malayan Constitution. 'If you are railroaded into being part of something, without your consent, then you are by no means sovereign' is the rallying cry . . Sabah/Sarawak joined  Malaya as separate entities to compliment the setting up of a new nation named Malaysia  , a multilateral   process  resulting from a democratic annexation campaign  and in respect of the rule of law, a mission successfully  accomplished via the expressed consent of the population. In UBF view point  , Sabah/Sarawak would become sovereign in the sense that they consent to being governed under the Malaysian constitutional framework, by becoming equal partners as stipulated under the 20/18 point arrangement   prior to the formation of Malaysia.

 In this writers perspective ,  sovereignty is a concept that describes a people's consent at being governed. Ones understanding may differ dramatically from others.: A notable fact worthy of further discussion  is that  , a people that has not given it's consent to a constitutional framework is not governed, it is ruled (often under the threat of force).
However ,  sovereignty should not be construed as merely a distinct  measure of the power of various governments, while undermining  the important aspect of sovereignty or as Jambun puts it 'autonomy'  which is  the sovereignty of citizens over their own government. 

A state/government is only be described as such if it's own citizens can be described as sovereign. I prefer people why? Because we are the living walking talking entities on the earth. Because I remember that states are inventions of the human mind that are run by individuals just like us. And most importantly, because there is a need to distinguish between servitude and freedom, between slavery and liberty, between subjugation and self-government. And because the most apt term to use to communicate these things is the concept of sovereignty.

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