Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A new stimulant better than the once popular 'Spanish Fly'

Female RX Plus Liquid

Female RX Plus Liquid Order Female RX Plus Liquid


Female RX Plus Liquid is a natural sexual stimulant for women taken shortly before sexual activity.

The benefits include:

improved sexual desire and function

intensified pleasure and orgasms
improved stamina and endurance

Female Rx Plus contains all natural herbs know for their effects on sexual desire and stimulation. Liquid formulation is quickly absorbed to give a sexual boost in as little as 10 minutes.

Female RX Plus is manufactured and shipped from the USA.


Follow the directions for using this medicine provided by your doctor. Take your medicine exactly as directed.

It is usually recommended to drink 1/3 or 1/2 of the bottle some 10-15 minutes before sexual activity.

Female RX Plus may be mixed with other liquids such as juice or cola.


Tell your doctor before taking RX Plus, if you are allergic to any medicines.


Active ingredients:

Clavo Huasca


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