
Monday, December 14, 2009

Friday, December 4, 2009


written by tompipi49, December 03, 2009

Datuk Yong Teck Lee,
You are correct. We Sabahan never knew no ketuanan Melayu in the past. But today, you see they are everywhere. Our Tun Mustapha and Tun Fuad never signed any acknowledgement or agreement on the Ketuanan Melayu. We are safeguarded by the 20 points and we must stand and defend the 20 points. KL have been ruling our lives eversince we formed the Federation. Its high time we formed a political alliance with patriots from Sarawak to look after our common interest.
Datuk, I can hear the beating of our gongs frm far away, coming your way. We trust no more west Malaysian politicians coming to teach us how to live our lives. We beat our gongs for the day we thrash the hell out of the west malaysians colonizers.

written by Sabahfan, December 03, 2009

YONG TOLI... I also know history bah....

I a sabahan knows.... when PBS was in power you believed in multiracial party.

When PBS was downtrodden by UMNO you believed in Chinese party only.... so where is one malaysia now???

YOU were 2 year CM rotated under Mahafiraun, you did nothing apart from promote Saham Sabah which caused many sabahans to be bankrupted.

I do not see any contributions you made during your tenure as chief minister apart from approving choice lands to your cronies.

Now without any positions, you go back to issues championed long time ago... You should be keeping up with times. Your old issues u should have done something when you were CM, dont matter if no result at least you must proved that you tried something on the issues you are now championing.

What have you done on the PTI issues while chief minister? Didnt you asked you BN boss then to send all the Polipin home?

Aha.... I remember tooo, the Abu Sayap who kidnapped the western tourist PREFER you and your gang to be intermediary for the negotiations..

YONG TOLI, until today you have not explain your role on the ABU SAYAP cases.

did you get a commission on the ransom figures for abu sayap??

we await your answers.... Young toli supporters please send this message to your boss

Besides his balding scalp , there is nothing  at all bold about this Yong Teck Lee character. His two years as Sabah's Chief Minister during Mahathir's reigned will remained as his best personal political achievement  but the two years that he held  the states Chief Executives  post will go down  as one of the worst of several episodes in Sabah's 46 year history.

Yong was nothing but a choir boy in Mahathir's administration. The catchy gimmick of  ' Malaysia Boleh'  introduced by Mahathir's public relations outfit  was echoed by Yong with his mimicry  rendition-ed of  'Sabah Boleh ' . Other than that it was the same old routine of plundering and with the limited time at his disposal , he plundered the states resources with lightning speed - danildaud


THE people of Sabah lived in harmony without racial or religious conflicts with no communist threat and very little crime before Malaysia was formed. Sabah then was governed by London with a locally appointed Legislative Council.

And Sabah was the richest State in the country when Sabah formed Malaysia with Sarawak , Singapore and Malaya in 1963, after Brunei opted out. However, after the formation of Malaysia , Kuala Lumpur began to control Sabah ’s politics, said Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) President Datuk Seri Panglima Yong Teck Lee.

“Apart from being the poorest State, Sabah is now riddled with imported racism and religious suspicions,” he said in a statement responding to the Deputy Prime Minister who had said Datuk Yong was “outdated” in comparing Kuala Lumpur with the British colonialists.

The former Chief Minister said the Sabah Head of State has to be advised by the head of Barisan Nasional ruling coalition in Kuala Lumpur before swearing in the Chief Minister.

Yong said things got worse when even Members of Parliament and Assemblymen have to be endorsed by Kuala Lumpur before they can become election candidates. “Hence our political leaders have become subservient to Kuala Lumpur ,” he added. “In reality, Sabah has lost whatever autonomy that our founding fathers expected in 1963,” he said.

He further said Article IV of the Malaysia Agreement 1963 binds the United Kingdom to transfer sovereignty and jurisdiction over Sabah to Malaysia . He said, as such it was not wrong to say that political control of Sabah has shifted from colonial capital London to national capital Kuala Lumpur (now Putrajaya).

On the issue of the public service, he said the Point number 8 of the Twenty Points submitted by Sabah representatives to the Cobbold Commission is on the Borneonisation of the public service. The Cobbold Commission, formed to ascertain the views of the people of North Borneo (now Sabah) and Sarawak on the Malaysia proposal, accepted the Borneonisation condition in their report of 21 June 1962 as follows: “Borneonisation of the public services should proceed as quickly as possible”. The Malayan representative in the commission was Tan Sri Ghazali Shafie.

This Borneonisation condition was then incorporated into the Report of the Inter-Governmental Committee on 27 February 1963 as follows: “Borneonisationn of the public services in the Borneo states is a major objective of policy. For a number of years to come special arrangements will be necessary to secure this objective and to protect the legitimate interests of the Native peoples”.

Finally, the Malaysia Agreement dated 9 July 1963 binds the Governments of Malaya, North Borneo (now Sabah) and Sarawak to Borneonisation. “This is contained in Article VIII of the Malaysia Agreement,” Yong said. He said therefore it is sad that after 46 years of Malaysia , out of the 81 federal department and 39 agencies, only 38 per cent are headed by local Malaysians.

“As for the cream of service, the Pegawai Tadbir Diplomat, only 3 per cent are Sabahans. This excludes statistics on the armed forces and Royal Malaysia Police (PDRM). None of Malaysia ’s ambassadors is a Malaysian from Sabah ,” he said.

He said those local heads of departments have to refer most matters to their Putrajaya head offices for decisions. Citing example, he said the High Court of Sabah and Sarawak cannot even employ a clerk. He added that the list goes on

Sunday, November 29, 2009

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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Glorification of one leader or the other is not the answer to the horrendous mess the nation is in!


Glorification of one leader or the other is not the answer to the horrendous mess the nation is in! Whether it is Anwar Ibrahim or Zahid and for that matter Jeffrey Kitingan or Pairin. These individuals were high and mighty at one stage of their political career.
Now with bruised egos , they are often seen and heard chanting words of wisdom, portraying themselves as advocates of justice and of fair play.
If we were to wind back the clock ,we’ll notice that these very people singing songs of praises to the establishment they now staunchly oppose. Needless to say . an establishment that’ve grubbed too much of the groceries to anyone’s liking.
The fundamentals may appear simple but what’s even more obvious , is that the objectives remain far-fetched
So try convincing me , where do the solutions lie? Are they to be found in these leaders or are we prepared to be taken on another roller-coaster ride??

 Danil, surely a roller-coaster ride is more fun!
The solutions always lie in “To-Day” – not in the past, nor in the future. Look at To-Day, and see where the stumbling blocks lie and where the opportunities are.
You are absolutely right in saying that we should never glorify mortals. If Anwar becomes deaf and mute today, i’d rather kick him out. But he is not yet so… Respect, without fire in the belly does nothing – passionless.
One things for sure, i personally do not to see a repeat of the falseness of “nationhood” of yesterday.

What ‘nationhood’ when a racist ‘cold war’ between the malays and non-malays which has all along been an open secret still alarmingly exist at our very midst. A tribal instinct that remains the biggest hindrance to nation-building .
Even if the country’s leaders were to hide behind the Petronas sky scrapper and proclaimed achievement . The third rated mentality of it’s countryman will reveal the ugly truth.

Zul Nordin’s antics strengthen this fact but so do Karpal and LKS paradoxical manner of rebuttal.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak is on Facebook

This is interesting. Malaysia’s 6th Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak is on Facebook!
Dato’ Seri Mohd. Najib bin Tun Haji Abdul Razak (born July 23, 1953) is the sixth and current Prime Minister of Malaysia. He previously held the post of Deputy Prime Minister from January 7, 2004 until he succeeded Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi as Prime Minister on April 3, 2009. Najib is President of the United Malays National Organisation (UMNO). He is the son of Malaysia’s second prime minister, Tun Abdul Razak.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

I am Sabahan they treat me worst than foreigners laments DAP Sri Tanjung assemblyman Jimmy Wong

KOTA KINABALU, Nov 21 —DAP Sri Tanjung assemblyman Jimmy Wong has described as a waste of time and public funds the move by the Sabah government to set up a special committee to investigate allegations on his possession of the Sijil Anak Negeri (SAN) or Native Certificate.

He said the state government should instead focus on forming a special committee to resolve the perennial problem of tens of thousands of illegal immigrants in the state, particularly those who obtained the MyKad through dubious means.

Wong said that based on reports, some of the illegal immigrants who managed to obtain dubious MyKad had subsequently applied for native certificates.

“This (illegal immigrants) is the real or biggest problem in Sabah that warrants the setting up a special committee. But they purposely made me a scapegoat to shut up my mouth because I’m vocal in highlighting the people’s problems including protecting an open space near Sabindo in Tawau.

“I applied for this native certifcate through proper channel about 30 years ago and the Native court approved it... I never abused it. I was born and brought up in Sabah, and my grandmother was a sino-Kadazan. That’s why I applied for it,” he told reporters here today.

Wong was responding to the announcement by State Local Government and Housing Minister Datuk Hajiji Mohd Noor in his winding up speech for his ministry at the state assembly on Thursday that the ministry would set up a special committee to investigate the allegation made by Sekong assembyman Datuk Samsuddin Yahya.

Shamsudin campaigning at a densely populated illegal immigrant area

Apart from the issue of native certificate, Samsuddin also alleged that the DAP representative owned a resort in Semporna, as well as encroached onto government land when renovating his house.

Following this, Wong said he lodged a report at the Karamunsing police station here yesterday to enable the police to investigate whether his native certificate was false.

He claimed that the allegations were politically motivated and were aimed at divert the people’s attention from the numerous problems affecting the state, including illegal immigrants, electricity, water and corruption.

“They treat me worse than foreigners. I’m a Malaysian born in Sabah and I think this is an insult to the aspirations of the 1 Malaysia concept coined by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak.

“Questioning the identity of local born people is not good for national unity. In fact, I was made to understand that there are Sabah Barisan Nasional (BN) leaders, especially those at the divisional level, who originally came from neighbouring countries, and were brought up here after obtaining the MyKad, and this should be investigated,” he added.

Wong also challenged all the BN state assemblymen, including ministers and assistant ministers, to declare their assets to see whether their assets including their houses matched their accumulated allowances.

“They portray that they (BN elected representatives) are cleaner than me and it is only fair that they declare their assests for public scrutiny once and for all,” he said.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Sabah/Sarawak issue (6)

It’s hightime politics in Sabah/Sarawak venture beyond the Kitingan’s and Ongkili’s , the Aman and Taib clan.
The aspirations craved for by ordinary folks of the two Borneon entities spelled out by Jeffrey after his recent fallout with Anwar , the PKR de-facto leader , are not something new under the East Malaysian sun and had been the determining factors prior to the establishment of malaysia.
Nonetheless , except for the Aman’s and Taib’s ,whom are still grasping on to whatever little power KL let them have over matters concerning these two states. The remaning remnants of past leaders still loitering back and forth blew their chances of straightening what was bent primarily due to their own greed.
Over the entire period of it’s inception , Malaysia has been governed by a bunch of lowdown Malayans with a penchant to behave like ‘kera kena belacan’ central leadership that have not only totally brushed aside the legitimate rights of Sabah/Sarawakians but in the processed belittled the customs of the natives and meddled with their filthy hands in it’s sosial structure.
As though these actions were not bad enough , they then went on coordinating a systematic plot , a blueprint of sought to commit atrocities against the Borneon states under a mind insulting guise of either , one of national assimilation or another of national economic policy.
And what better way to make this henious plan worked if not by encouraging hand picked thieves and have them masquarade as politicians while the Malayan umno buffoons schemed far worst crimes.
After having these unscrupulous agenda set in place , the likes of Tun Razak and Mahathir unashamedly and without hesitation reverted to arm twisting tactics time and again simply because they had the military on their side.
Anwar , who fell from grace and with all the jet setting around the globe preaching of social justice , on the other hand , should play a pivotal role in redeeming the injustices done rather than continue behaving like an arrogant jerk akin to his umno days.
By Danildaud

Saturday, October 31, 2009

The Sabah/Sarawak issue (5)

Can someone out in blogosphere post the Timbunan Declaration which includes the 20-Point Agreement (above) plus?
I am wondering why Jeffrey joined PKR in the first place and is now imposing 3 conditions for consideration of PKR HQ? One would have thought he would have imposed those conditions before becoming a member and PKR Vice President. We believe in KeADILan Untuk Semua, but it must be based on the Constitution where the rights and obligations of member states of the Federation and Malaysian citizens are clearly defined.
It is impossible for anyone with self respect and dignity to negotiate at the point of a gun. That means Jeffery has no intention of remaining a PKR member. –Din Merican
By dinobeano on October 29, 2009 at 9:22 pm

the prime minister of 22 years was a real scoundrel and definately is without his foreskin. and i hope PKR accept all of JEFFERY KITINGAN’S conditions . all 3 seem to be consistent with the 20 point agreement . SABAH AND SARAWAK IS NOT A GIFT FROM THE BRITISH FOR IT TO BE PLUNDERED, CHEATED AND COLONISED BY THE MALAYS. IF THIS IS WHAT THE MALAYS THINK OF SABAH AND SARAWAK THEN IT WOULD BE BETTER FOR THEM TO SECEDE .
By rashid hussein on October 29, 2009 at 9:31 pm

the timbunan declaration is not as important as the 20 point agreement . the 20 point agreement is the basis upon which sabah joined malaysia. and the 20 points are still the same as those i read in my history books. however, the federal government has consistently side stepped it . and this was especially true during the 22 years of the foreskinless prime minister .
i am sure you can see that for yourself DIN MERICAN!!!. so why wait for the timbunan declaration. WHAT JEFFERY KITINGAN HAS ASKED IS CONSISTENT WITH THE 20 POINT AGREEMENT . DO U , DIN MERICAN ,THINK THE TIMBUNAN DECLARATION CAN OVERRIDE THE 20 POINT AGREEMENT? come on , you have enough experience to know better !!!.
By rashid hussein on October 29, 2009 at 9:42 pm

” It is impossible for anyone with self respect and dignity to negotiate at the point of a gun”. – din merican

DIN what about the self respect and dignity of our brothers and sisters in SABAH and SARAWAK ? ARE’NT they entitled to their self respect and dignity too ? if you read the 20 point agreement and understand it , you will realise that our brothers and sisters in SABAH and SARAWAK HAVE , FOR AS LONG AS THEY HAVE BEEN IN MALAYSIA , BEEN DENIED THEIR SELF RESPECT AND DIGNITY.
By salmiah hassan on October 29, 2009 at 10:00 pm

Friday, October 30, 2009

The Sabah/Sarawak issue (4)

We are not unlike the Americans in South Vietnam; and Americans in Afghanistan today. In Vietnam in the 60s the Americans ended up supporting the corrupt regime of Ngo Dinh Diem who was eventually assassinated by the CIA. Perhaps the same fate awaits Hamid Karzai.
From the beginning we were supporting one corrupt regime after another. Tun Mustapha made himself governor and later chief minister, enriching himself through huge timber concessions in return for the role he played in bringing Sabah into the federation. The Sabah Air plane crash in 1975 which killed the Chief Minister Fuad Stephens and Peter Mojuntin and other state ministers might as well be divine retribution for the sins committed against the natives of Sabah.
Politics in Sabah were nothing more than power grabs by one set of thieves against the other with Kuala Lumpur supporting one against the other. When Tun Mustapha driven by greed fell out with Kuala Lumpur, there was Harris Salleh and Berjaya and when Berjaya lost in 1985, I met several of these thieves and looters during their self exile abroad. Several of them ended up being contemporaries of V.K. Lingam (of korek, korek fame) sharing the same alma mater.
By Mr Bean on October 28, 2009 at 5:58 am

Tun Mustapha made himself governor and later chief minister- Bean

Tun Mustapha was an ill educated native chief of suluk descent, who in his early years used to run errands for the Japs during the Japanese occupation.
On later years when the idea of forming Malaysia surfaced ,he was picked by the Brits as a representative of the Muslim native community to negotiate the setting-up of Malaysia.
What is not known to many is that Tun Mustapha was duped into taking up the position of ‘Gabenor’ by the rest of the better educated lot . The postion which he thought came with the powers similar to that of the British Governor.
Realising later that the governorship he was clinging on too unlike the status of the British Governor was purely ceremonial , after decisions were taken and done without his consent. He was enraged and began to revolt and with KLs helped and with religion as an excused , he was made CM.
But the manipulation did not end there , far from it.
For a person without proper credentials, who in the first place should’ve not been entrusted with the CMs post . It was an obvious recipe for disaster.
Apparently , with Tun Mustapha at the helm , It was the beginning of far worst things to come and with the arrival of KL sent Syed Kechik who in fact condoned every bad moved due to self-interest.
Syed Kechik , the man Tun Razak relied upon to assist Tun Mustapha was instead behind every misdemeanor of the states administration.

The Sabah Air plane crash in 1975 which killed the Chief Minister Fuad Stephens and Peter Mojuntin and other state ministers might as well be divine retribution for the sins committed against the natives of Sabah – Bean

It coud’ve been divine , for all we know
What ever it was , this double six air tragedy which occurred in 1976 has a telling tale behind it. But it wont be right for me to spell it out here. The story has several versions. I’ve my own but besides saying , as a young boy at that time and amongst the first to be at the site of the crashed which happened at the vicinity of where I once lived , its suffice to say , amongst the lost were family acquaintance and one of my best friends , his dad.
The rest of the details may be some other time.

By Danildaud on October 29, 2009 at 1:49 am

Small world Danildaud. Fascinating new light to Tun Mustapha. I believed he tried to take Sabah out of Malaysia? Or was it that Ningkan guy from Sarawak?

By Mr Bean on October 29, 2009 at 8:15 am

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Sabah/Sarawak issue (3)

Sabah has suffered much under Mustapaha, Fuad Stephen and Harris Salleh. They had treated the state as their own fiefdom helping themselves to the vast untapped natural resources available.
The current turmoil has much to do with how these past leaders had managed the state. I served in Kota Belud, Kudat and Bangi Island in the late 60s and early 70s and had seen the excesses of Tun Mustapha. His palatial bungalows in Kudat, Kota Belud and Kota Kinabalu stood out like a sore thump admist the slums of these Sabahan towns. Infamous Zakaria Darus of Port Klang pales in comparison.
You are right, Bean. There is no love lost. Sabahans (and Sarawakians) are wary of West Malaysians believing them to be the new colonists. Those days they would vent their frustration on us soldiers, especially members of the Malay regiments. That was then. It hasn’t changed much today.
PKR needs to find a way to overcome this negative perception. If and unless it is prepared to change, nothing much can come of its overtures however good they may sound or seen.
By Tok Cik on October 27, 2009 at 7:35 pm

Yep, remember the days that “West Malaysians” were welcomed only if they were holding passports.
Heck, in my profession the only way i could ‘practice’ there was to marry a local lass and get a permit, biri-biri notwithstanding!
By Menyalak-er on October 27, 2009 at 9:20 pm

No matter how embarassing it may be for a Sabahan to admit , but the reality is , the quality of leadership Sabah had produced down the years and keeps on producing is leading the state towards it’s own destruction
By Danildaud on October 28, 2009 at 12:58 am

Sunday, October 25, 2009

The Sabah/Sarawak issue (2)

…With Zaid’s good intent and by barring him from attending the raya gathering, Anwar is set to resume his practice of misrepresenting the facts about the special rights of sabah/sarawak stipulated under the formation of the federation of malaysia.
His act of steamrolling what is viewed as sacred by people of both the borneon states and forcibly imposing his own agenda reflects the same all too familiar malayan arrogance . It is like a flashed back to the good ol’ days before his and Mahathir’s allegations of PBS wanting to ceased being part of the federation were disproved, raising anew the question of whether he can’t separate fact from fiction or just cynically knows he can lie to the Malaysian people without consequence.
Danildaud, I talked to Anwar just last week. He understands the situation and respects the aspirations of Sabahans. He will intervene to help in finding a solution to the leadership issue of PKR Sabah, not to worsen the situation. Give him a little time to figure out the best option to put PKR Sabah back on track.—Din Merican
By Danildaud on October 17, 2009 at 2:44 am

Anwar’s ghost continues to haunt him.
By Mr Bean on October 17, 2009 at 4:25 am


I THINK I FOR ONE TRUST zaid ibrahim’s judgment on this more then i would anwar ibrahim’s judgment . hence , i am for Zaid Ibrahim going to SABAH.
SABAH and for that matter SARAWAK , never intended to be MALAY COLONIES , when they joined malaysia. so they should be allowed a free hand. otherwise secession would rear its ugly head.
Peach, free hand? There is such a thing as party discipline. Neither Zaid nor Azmin can ignore the decision of the de facto leader and PKR’s biro politik on matters affecting the interest of PKR. Our colleagues in Sabah and Sarawak must understand what PKR stands for—KeADILan untuk Semua. They must bury their differences through dialogue and compromise in favour of the big picture. –Din Merican
By peach ann nacion on October 17, 2009 at 4:55 am

SABAH and for that matter SARAWAK , never intended to be MALAY COLONIES , when they joined malaysia-peach ann nacion

Unlike the distorted facts that you get from your history books , Sabah/Sarawak never joined Malaysia.
It must be emphasized that Sabah ,Sarawak ,Singapore and Malaya formed the federation of Malaysia.

In Sabah’s case it was
the 20-point agreement, or the 20-point memorandum, an agreement made between the state of Sabah (then North Borneo) with what would be the federal government of Malaysia prior to the formation of Malaysia in September 16, 1963. A similar agreement was made between the state of Sarawak and the federal government but with certain
The 20 point agreement was written for the main purpose of safeguarding the interests, rights, and the autonomy of the people of Sabah upon the formation of the federation of Malaysia. It was originally envisaged that Sabah be one of the four entities in the federation, the others being Malaya, Singapore, and Sarawak. However as times passed, Sabah and Sarawak has ended up being merely one of the 13 states in the federation.

There has been numerous calls for the agreement to be reviewed to take into account numerous factors that’ve been altered only to benefit the Malayan ruled central government.
To date, these cries have fallen on deaf ears. Anwar , whom many are counting on to provide the very much needed ractification of these lopsided affair seems more interested in hijacking the whole process once again.
By Danildaud on October 17, 2009 at 2:43 pm

danil ,
i am glad to inform you that the history book i read and the one you read is the same . i understood it exactly how you have spelled it out.
our good old prime minister of 22 years distorted this 20 point agreement too and accordingly short changed both sarawak and sabah . lee kuan yew was smart . he walked out the first opportunity he had and took singapore with him .
By:pPeach Ann Nacion

The Sabah/Sarawak issue

Najib has announced that Malaysia Day will be a national holiday.
If I were to make a choice between celebrating Merdeka Day or Malaysia Day, I would definitely choose the most sensible thing, i.e. Malaysia Day.
Merdeka Day? What’s Merdeka Day, it’s a silly joke because we are being colonised by the UMNOputra pirates. Anyway, most of these UMNOputras are not true Malays but the most rapacious opportunists descended from other races.
Come Merdeka Day, I won’t be celebrating it; instead I prefer to work and save it for Malaysia Day.
By vsp on

yes .. the merdeka day holiday should be canceled . if merdeka day remains a holiday , then it should be called dr. mahathir ’s holiday and not merdeka day anymore . mahathir deceived the sabahans and sarawakians the most.
By salmiah hassan


And way before mahathir it was tengku razaleigh.

As chairman of petronas , he systematically forced sabah to accept the 5%royalty deal.

When the first batched of ministers declined this lopsided offer, their plane crashed (which until today remains a mystery ) killing all 6 senior ministers on-board amongst them , the then sabah CM, Tun Fuad Stevens. It needs to be said that barely a day after the tragedy had gone by  a deal was struck favouring petronas.

Then came that mamak fella with the infamous ‘project ic mahathir’ legitimizing and with it came instant bumiputra status to hundredths of thousands of those transition population from indo and the philippines ,forever altering demographics of the state.

This is why , although with the majority of genuine sabahans opting for change and yet ,BN seems to emerge victorious , elections after elections .
So ,lets be more sensible and not entirely blame the dusun,bajau ,iranun folks for any of pakatans defeat over here in Sabah.

AND now , after all those hungry years , Najib another of the torchbearer has decided to go out on a fishing expedition hoping to captivate the hearts and minds of sabah/sarawakians with his malaysia day a national day pledge.
Well , with due respect Mr.Prime Minister , this ain’t good enough. The national day pride has all but diminished.


The malayan sultans along with their traditions and other aspects of the malayan heritage should’ve been kept on the other side of the fence and not be exported across the south china sea into the living rooms of East Malaysians.

As if , these feudalistic elements that came with strong racist policies (alien to the two Borneo entities) were not damning enough , Sabah/sarawak were yet again subjected to be parties of a copy right infringed Hawaiian love song turned national anthem with hardly any lyrics denoting traces of East Malaysian culture.

Unlike miniature states such as perlis and negeri sembilan or the entire peninsular for that matter , Sabah/Sarawak  since the formation of Malaysia have been givers not takers of the country,s  coffers . But despite being a pot of gold for the federation , federal appointed leaders in the likes of sweet prince razaleigh plundered the two states natural resources with the least consideration to the source and while the plundering continued  another of its appointed leader , an imported Keralan knight frequently used security as a bargaining tool. And inspite of agreements on security issues concerning sabah/sarawak prior to the formation of the federation  this keralan knight who made kedah his home legitimize the multitude of illegals for political capital , and in the process endangering the livelihood of genuine citizens.

In more recent times , kerismudin another name in the long list -band of penyamun spoke about Sabahans safety being his utmost priority , so as usual , the recycle garbage goes on display for all to see and sniff , adding further insult to injury.
Now , tell me how shall we grade azmin , who it seems is habouring similar fantasies?
By Danildaud on October 24, 2009

Like I suggested earlier there should be a law against carpetbaggers.
By Mr Bean on October 24, 2009

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

‘Artificial virginity’ kit sparks controversy in Egypt

‘Artificial virginity’ kit sparks controversy in Egypt
Whether it’s seen as a clever little gadget to help a woman keep a secret or a devilish deception that threatens Islam, the Artificial Virginity Hymen Kit is not welcome in Egypt.
The kit allows a bride who is not a virgin to pretend that she is. A pouch inserted into the vagina on her wedding night ruptures and leaks a blood-like liquid designed to trick a new husband into believing that his wife is chaste. It’s a wink of ingenuity to soothe a man’s ego and keep the dowry intact.
Egyptian conservatives condemn the device as technology that will promote promiscuity in a culture that forbids premarital sex. Their protests are arising in a nation that over the last 40 years has gone from miniskirts and secularism to hijabs and religious devotion. But seldom have conservatives faced such brazen advertising.

“No more worry about losing your virginity. With this product, you can have your first night back any time,” states the Web site of Gigimo, a Chinese mail-order company that sells the kit and other sexual products, including sex dolls and bondage toys, worldwide. “Add in a few moans and groans, you will pass through undetectable.”
Members of the Muslim Brotherhood, which controls 20 per cent of the seats in the Egyptian Parliament, have called for banning the kit and arresting anyone selling it on the black market. An influential cleric, Abdul Moeti Bayoumi, has issued a fatwa urging that peddlers of the US$29.90 (RM102) device be charged with banditry and punished for spreading immorality and sin.
“Egyptian girls are normally afraid to lose their virginity before marriage,” Sayed Askar, a lawmaker and member of the Muslim Brotherhood, recently told Parliament. “A product like that can make it easier and tempting for girls who don’t have strong wills to commit such a sin. It will be a crying shame and a blot on the government if they allow the selling of this product in our markets.”
Lina Samaan, an accountant, said the furore raises disturbing questions about her country and the double standards that often apply to women. “I think it’s a shame that we are discussing a product like this,” she said. “If most girls don’t have sex prior to marriage only because they want to keep virginity, then there is something wrong with the way we think.
“Sex is a right for every woman, but unfortunately we started turning to products like these because men — even nonreligious ones who have sex before marriage — wouldn’t marry a girl if she’s not virgin.”
The emotion over the kit speaks to a traditional society that is increasingly pious, whether it’s rich professionals seeking moderate Islam on Web sites of progressive imams or poor and middle-class families adopting strict religion as a buttress to the influence of Western media and a loss of confidence in a state that has failed to provide prosperity.
The government of President Hosni Mubarak is troubled by ultraconservative Islam imported from Saudi Arabia and the Persian Gulf. Egypt’s leading Muslim cleric, Mohammed Sayed Tantawi, is considering forbidding the niqab, or face veil, at the university and schools run by Al Azhar, Sunni Islam’s top educational institution. A similar edict barring nurses from wearing niqabs has been loosely enforced. Many parents, however, did not grow up with the economic and social problems that their children face. Single women have traditionally lived with their families until they found a husband.
But today’s inflation, joblessness and poverty are forcing many couples to delay marriage until money is saved and dowries are accumulated. With men and women single longer, dating, breakups and natural impulses challenge religion and tradition.
“Having something like the virginity kit can cause complete mayhem within the Egyptian social life,” said Farid Ismael, of Parliament’s health committee. “It can lead to the spreading of vice and the loss of all the good morals and values we had.” — Los An

Wishing everyone a selamat hari raya

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Neil Armstrong a true story


JULY 20,










Sunday, April 12, 2009

Ostentatious "Najib cabinet" for Sabah Barisan National leaders

‘The writing is on the wall’

' We are duped by all soughts of ‘largesse’ to try out this product..the so called new cabinet . Is it not an old gift in new wrapping??

How is the KPI administered and by whom. Koo Tsu Koon?? , tasked with monitoring the performance of the 28 ministers is an Umno lapdog , was dropped by the coaches (rakyat) but pampered by the management so he is picked to be in the team.
Will any of his submissions be independent off the UMNO heavyweights in the cabinet…go figure out '

The UMNO led Barisan Nasional cabinet is known for its liberality in bestowing gifts , especially in a lofty and condescending manner.

In the newly formed Najib Cabinet , Sabah in particular the leaders of Barisan Nasional led state government seems to be the biggest winners , but the core question is will the people of Sabah ever get to share this largesse? Appointment of these YBs to Ministerial and Deputy Ministerial post amounts to nothing if serious issues of illegal immigrants , abject poverty , bad roads and a much higher living costs contrary to what is enjoyed by the peninsular states , that have plagued the state for decades are not tackled and solved.

It is always perplexing for every sensible East Malaysian to comprehend when Sabah/Sarawak with a small fraction minus the vulgar fraction of those notorious transition population in a country of 26 million are labeled as being the two poorest states . Baring in mind , Sabah and Sarawak are several times richer with vast natural resources , in comparison to West Malaysia .

The Whole of kinabatangan is blind and one eye Mukthar is king

When YBs in the likes of Mukthar Radin with 'Sub-normal IQ of less than 70' , is elected to UMNOs supreme council , a party having the biggest say in government policies , The ostentatious - will only be extended to him and a few among his circle . Sabah does not stand to gain one bit but with his absurd antics , we are rest assured Sabah and for that matter Sabahan's will be ridiculed more

The desire of Sabahans is to have highly capable leaders

In the context of Sabah's desire to produce highly capable leaders , one that be able to represent the country in the foreign front amid the appointment of Anipah Aman. I agree with the masses , a novice like Anipah Aman should be given more exposure before he is elevated to the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs (unless foreign policies is run from the Prime Ministers Department) .
It will be a mammoth task for Anipah to stand up to the likes of Singapore’s George Yeoh and other counterparts like the urbane and smart Indonesian Foreign Minister, the eloquent Foreign Secretary of the Philippines, and the very experienced and French-trained Foreign Minister Ho Namhong of Cambodia .

I personally think if they were to give the Foreign Ministry post to a Sabahan YB , Bernard Dompok is a better choice , besides having a better educational background and diplomatic experience , he will also be able to sit down and have a pow wow while having a sip of firewater munching on some un- kosher delicacies , but being an UMNO Malaysia where racism has long been institutionalized , it will take an event of cataclysmic proportions to rise above racial politics , let alone having a heathen as Foreign Minister.

So we are told to give this new ‘mahathir’ cabaret oops!! cabinet a though 22 yrs aint enough
Ok..alright , we dont have a choice be prepared cos Rosmah is gonna sing the blues..yea!!
Luckily JJ is not around or else he might sexually assault her

Friday, April 10, 2009

" Danil Daud debated Mr. Bean" on the Altantuya murder verdict

'It is a rule of the common law, that citizens of a democratic country , use strong epithets, however derogatory to the character of the opponent, or other agent or witness, in commenting on the facts of the case, if pertinent to the cause, without any liability to any action for the supposed slander, whether the thing stated were true or false'

  1. “ … unlike UMNO, Pakatan would not play the race cards to win elections.” Anwar Ibrahim

    If that’s really the case, why hasn’t any of the Malay leaders within PKR not come out to reject the NEP, totally and without conditions, and not hang on to the same old argument that the NEP has been abused and the benefits of the said policy have not helped the poor even among the Malays and in fact were abused by the leadership to help their own?

    To its critics even DAP may be said to be playing the race card in wanting to see a complete break from the past which will benefit their members who are almost wholly Chinese. I would believe if DAP tomorrow de-registers itself and merge with PKR.

    I do not think Malaysia presently has what it takes to rise above racial politics. Racism has long been institutionalized which is the real problem, and it would take nothing short of an event of cataclysmic proportions to make the change.

    The country needs visionary leaders but even leaders with visions of the future will not be able to move too far ahead of his followers. If he does he would be sowing the seeds of his own political demise.

  2. “Tomorrow, the Shah Alam High Court will decide the fate of the two police special action force personnel charged with murdering Altantunya Shaariibuu” MALAYSIAKINI

    There can only be one verdict “Guilty”.

    But does that mean the duo will go to the gallows? No. There is no law against sending someone else to take your place who is already facing the hangman’s noose.

  3. Where will they be heading then if not the gallows? They will be heading for the Kuta Beach with a high five digit bank account to lead their lives as life guards saving damsels in distress.

  4. Coming from Sarawak .. Azilah will make a good life guard but… Sirul …. hmm… maybe not . Most Malayan’s cant swim.
    Apart from being superficial fighters of almost every damn thing in the wilderness was never a part of their legacy…oh..ok maybe with the exception of Antares

    Yes ..i speak ‘Beans’ language… the Malayan brats are to deep into racism to think of any other form of politics.

  5. “The prosecution has therefore proved the case against the first and second accused beyond any reasonable doubt. I therefore now sentence you first and second accused to death. Both of you will be kept in lawful custody until you are brought to a lawful place where you will be hanged by your neck until you are dead,” judge said.

    Didn’t I tell ya??

    We also know that the duo have taken the fall for their boss Najib now Prime Minister in return for an exotic life on an island off Bali.

    Some of the Balinese girls still walk topless along the river not too far from Kuta Beach where Aussies like to walk naked in search of turtles (little do these Aussies know that there are no turtles anywhere near). However, these topless girls are from Sukarno time and are in their 60s and 70s. Even Din Merican wouldn’t be interested.

  6. Dna evidence aside , how could they’ve been charged with murder in the first place when immigration records does not show her(Tuya) ever being in the country .Technically the judge is sending two innocent men to the gallows

  7. i thought they signed a confession detailing how they did it - three bullets to the head and military grade explosive to get rid of the body. Pieces of bone identified through DNA as belonging to the deceased were found. That is real evidence.

    Immigration records are documentary evidence which are hearsay in nature. You will need to call the maker to testify and it is his testimony that is the evidence - not pieces of paper or computer records.

  8. For the crime of murder, death has to be established. And death was established through bone fragments and identified as belonging to the victim through DNA. If no body (or bone fragments) was ever found, then there cannot be a murder charge (let alone the accused did the murder) since there is no murder.

  9. I am pretty much aware of the legal jargon's but lets look beyond the circus trial and anticipated conviction , was it not obvious the prosecution and defense were putting up a charade working hand in glove protecting the ones that ordered the killing. Those cops especially the junior of the two are mentally programmed to obey command..their UTK training is stress on this element…they are not hired to think.So again..technically they are innocent.

  10. ” …was it not obvious the prosecution and defence were putting up a charade working hand in glove protecting the ones that ordered the killing.”

    Yes. So? Still they were found guilty. If you’re referring to Baginda who probably gave a different instruction i.e. “Get rid of her” and not “Kill her” it is especially difficult under any circumstances to make the charge of conspiracy stick. Conspiracy is never easy to prove.

    “Those cops especially the junior of the two are mentally programmed to obey command..their UTK training is stress on this element…they are not hired to think”.

    You are suggesting that the accused were not aware of right and wrong, incapable of distinguishing between right and wrong - which goes to the defense of insanity. Not aware of what they were doing was wrong.

    Fact. They were aware of what they were doing and that what they did was wrong. Able to distinguish between right and wrong. How else would you explain the fact that they tried to cover up their crime??

    Law. In any case legal insanity is quite different from the layman definition of insanity. A higher standard needed to rise to the level of legal insanity.

    Not a chance. If they were found not guilty by reason of legal insanity, they would be confined to the mental hospital at his Majesty’s pleasure for the rest of their lives and would never come out. No pardon. Zilch. A more cruel punishment than death by hanging!

    Sub-normal IQ of less than 70 is not a legal defense.

  11. The two found guilty and sentenced to death were calm and stoic when sentence was pronounced. Most unusual for those condemned to die for crimes they said they never committed.

  12. Well it takes an insane human to blow up someone to bits.

  13. It’s a watch dogs.. if they fatally attack an intruder then they are put to sleep..and by doing so ... , it’s pretty much justified.
    The system has turned these UTK personal into watch dogs

  14. With or without evidence…Najib , Razak and the entire PDRM has blood on their hands