
Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Sabah/Sarawak issue (6)

It’s hightime politics in Sabah/Sarawak venture beyond the Kitingan’s and Ongkili’s , the Aman and Taib clan.
The aspirations craved for by ordinary folks of the two Borneon entities spelled out by Jeffrey after his recent fallout with Anwar , the PKR de-facto leader , are not something new under the East Malaysian sun and had been the determining factors prior to the establishment of malaysia.
Nonetheless , except for the Aman’s and Taib’s ,whom are still grasping on to whatever little power KL let them have over matters concerning these two states. The remaning remnants of past leaders still loitering back and forth blew their chances of straightening what was bent primarily due to their own greed.
Over the entire period of it’s inception , Malaysia has been governed by a bunch of lowdown Malayans with a penchant to behave like ‘kera kena belacan’ central leadership that have not only totally brushed aside the legitimate rights of Sabah/Sarawakians but in the processed belittled the customs of the natives and meddled with their filthy hands in it’s sosial structure.
As though these actions were not bad enough , they then went on coordinating a systematic plot , a blueprint of sought to commit atrocities against the Borneon states under a mind insulting guise of either , one of national assimilation or another of national economic policy.
And what better way to make this henious plan worked if not by encouraging hand picked thieves and have them masquarade as politicians while the Malayan umno buffoons schemed far worst crimes.
After having these unscrupulous agenda set in place , the likes of Tun Razak and Mahathir unashamedly and without hesitation reverted to arm twisting tactics time and again simply because they had the military on their side.
Anwar , who fell from grace and with all the jet setting around the globe preaching of social justice , on the other hand , should play a pivotal role in redeeming the injustices done rather than continue behaving like an arrogant jerk akin to his umno days.
By Danildaud

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