
Saturday, May 11, 2024

Israel has gone too far

Barbarous as it was... No one ...not even a person endowed with the slightest fraction of decency would either support or condoned the inhumane actions purpotrated by the militant outfit Hamas on the 8th of October ... Hamas went on a killing spree that can't be justified by any religious doctrine nor by any other order of reasoning...It was outright brutality and massacre ....Period. At the aftermath, as expected retaliatory measures by IDF were inevitable... Israel has to protect the sanctity of its people and nation.It is of patriotic obligation and so, deemed justified. As it stands, the escalating conflict sees no end at sight..The prerogative of drawing the line , ultimately calling for a cease fire is furthest from Netanyahu's mind . The world's populace has witnessed the pinnacle of the conflict and is left with little choice but to draw the line.. What started out as retaliatory measures has turned into mass genocide. Atrocities committed against Palestinian civilians especially women and children cannot be viewed as a form of retaliation.. To this, Israel has gone too far... Biblical scriptures writes about the Ezekiel war... Ezekiel war as prophecised hangs on the loop... In all certainty this war against Hamas which has spilled over onto innocent Palestinians strays decisively away from written scriptures.... The video presents a South African view point of the issue.. Take a listen...