
Sunday, March 3, 2019

The Malayan Debacle, Semenyih By Election

The Malayan debacle, If it is a mono racial form of authority then it's against the norms of democracy in a multi cultural, multi religious society.

Pay heed , a democracy is measured by the way minorities are treated..

Equalised the power sharing platform into a multiracial set-up then at a flip of the coin on the other side lies the spectre of who comes first among equals..

Clearly, when merit is shoved aside and in its domain the shouts,scream and  cries for policies base on ethnicity  , a society at its best will be entrapped in a web of despicable feelings of tolerance, and at its worst polarised ...

In the Semenyih by election netizens may concur the second straight lost in a By Election is the failure to comply to promises that were made by the ruling coalition  and escalations of prices of goods etc.. but what is beneath all of these bread & butter issues dwells the animosity and dissatisfaction of the majority malay masses towards the appointments of senior ministerial , civil and top judges posts to the non Malays...

To harness the thinking credentials of the majority malay mind and to bare their mental faculty  in earnest,the narratives  below are of help 👇👇

The Semenyih Signal?

LGE spooked the market,
Semenyih result spooked PH,
Easier for TunM to act,
Drop and recharge cabinet set.

If reaction 'nothing has changed' ,
In one term the govt will be changed,
So do take heed and act seriously,
People power is a basis of democracy. (should read the malay people power)

Why the people have apprehensions,
They have so many dissatisfactions,
Their business, economy and living affected,
Their safety education requests not attended.

The Malays are the most dissatisfied

Don't  sloganise like 'Malaysia Baru' ,
When it's really rhetorics not true,
Long list of delayed promises,
Why lie to people with compromises.

Once the Malays do unite,
There is little to stop the tide,
They want to regain control of country,
No more Malay puppets of DAP.

It's not about Najib or Anwar,
It's a bigger fight and war,
Integrity is set to stay,
Get moving no more delays.

Lessons of Semenyih sobering,
Good for PH to pause and think,
A 5 year mandate can easily be that,
When sentiments have become this bad.

May God continue to bless,
This great country to trade and invest,
China Europe America  Korea Japan,
Singapore too don't irk be friends.

What is the country's direction,
Confusion uncertainties perception,
We already have a working Constitution,
Good laws traditions and institutions.

Dont accuse Malay struggle as racial,
Its finding a way for modern  survival,
Chinese and Indians have enough shared,
The Malays have been generous beyond compare.

Don't disturb the trajectory of history,
Address the gaps and inequality,
If the majority Malays are not happy,
It's not going to be a developed country.

Sunday, February 3, 2019

The imminent threat of Radical Islam

The extremists elements from within the Islamic corridors are adamant to propelled the religion into a political affiliation.

This is not only alarming that the ideology will create segregation amongst various communities but also the imminent threat of religious violence and counter retaliation...

This is why, China forbids the spread of monolithic religions in its homeland. So can we forthrightly come out and point fingers at them??

Radical Islam today is entrenched in a time zone where Christianity was in the medieval years right up to early 18th century.

Those harsh periods witness the authoritarian reigned of religious clergymen empowered with tremendous stately powers to the extent of whatever they uttered would eventually turned into a decree and subsequently law.

The atmosphere then in medieval Europe and its surrounding vicinity were religiously oppressive ,  religious clerics purportedly held the keys to the peoples salvation.

Foundations base on monotheism as it is with monolithic religious faiths are sleeping volcanoes waiting to erupt.

Any form of tilt in comprehension or misconceptions about the fundamental messages these Abrahamic faiths l have for mankind are bound to produce radicals overwhelmed by sheer fanaticism amidst the  likelihood of these religious outfits  if not treaded with caution  are  bound imminently as we bear witness  to create  polarization and crimes in the name of religion no matter how the devotion of love or turn the other cheek mantra is professed...

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Simply a Malayan Called

Malaysia has an  excuse for banning Israel's participation bcuz of Palestine... and the ipc has a reason to strip Malaysia the right of being host to the world para swimming championships for Jew bashing...

Politics,religion and race falls in the equation , what are the ordinary citizens stand on this?

Malaya with a 60% muslim malay populace would almost certainly echo in agreement the government's decision.

But what about Sarawak or Sabah for that matter, are the two Borneo regions in solidarity with their Malayan counterpart on this particular issue??

Perhaps both the state's SLAs are reluctantly  in favour of the central government's decision bearing in mind  the central government holds the prerogative of overseeing foreign policies. Nevertheless there is an "air of doubt" that the majority of Borneo Malaysia citizens are able to see eye to eye on the issue.

Sarawak in particular where the events are supposed to be held is a non muslim majority region and neither quibbling about semantics over allegations of Israel's war crime committed against the Palestinian people  nor religious fanaticism least of all being anti semitic  comes close to be associated with its people.

Unlike their overwhelmingly in numbers  Malay Malayan counterparts that are shrouded in hatred towards the Zionist regime and take on reality is bent the people of the two Borneo regions are sensible enough to keep their mental fraternity intact thus enabling to distinguish between a sporting event and what is political correctness (whatever that means)

This is a Malaysian government's decision but it does not represent either Sarawak or Sabah. The decision may plainly be construed as a Malayan called...

So let it be told to the world community...

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Untuk Islam kembali ke zaman kegemilangan kuantiti seharusnya di ketepikan dan kualiti di utamakan

Untuk Islam kembali ke zaman kegemilangan kuantiti seharusnya di ketepikan dan kualiti di utamakan: ���� Masalah sedemikian um...

Untuk Islam kembali ke zaman kegemilangan kuantiti seharusnya di ketepikan dan kualiti di utamakan


Masalah sedemikian umat Islam Melayu dan sejagat  perlu menangani secara pengkuhususan dan dalam masa yg sama mewujudkan pemikiran yg terbuka, perlu di ingat Bapa Saudara Nabi pun tidak memeluk Islam sehingga wafat...

Ini jelas menepati sabda tiada paksaan dalam seperkara pun dalam Islam. Lanjutan pada perkara ini, tindakan seseorang memutuskan hubungannya dengan Islam tidak terbatas pada lafaz semata mata malah perbuatan dan cara kehidupan  adalah yard stick dan bench mark penentuan utama...

Jika seseorang tu melafazkan secara ucapan perlu ada kebebasan beragama namun amalan hariannya menepati seruan akidah , solat pada waktu, beramal jahriah,berpuasa wajib serta mempraktikan kehendak agama sepenuhnya, adakah dikatakan apostate berbanding seorang yg mendabik dada melafazkan ucapan dirinya seorang Islam namun cara kehidupan sama sekali bertentangan dgn akidah dan seruan agama..

Sehubungan itu, pendakwah dan penganut Islam perlu menyelami apa kehendak agama Islam dalam erti kata sebenarnya serta menyedari bahawa hanya dengan kuantiti yg ramai tanpa kualiti akan melemahkan institusi keislaman dan pada jangkamasa panjang akan mejatuhkan institusi keislaman..

Sebaliknya Islam dengan kualiti yang tinggi bukan sahaja akan membolehkan Syair Islam menyerlah tetapi akan juga mewujudkan keunggulan Islam semula...

So how is the best way of achieving this??, certainly not thru sheer numbers.

Kalau bilangan umat ramai sahaja tanpa keimanan dan landas prinsip yang utuh,

there is no way of achieving excellence in the name of Islam.

Kualiti dalam aspek keilmuan intelek di iringi dengan kekuatan serta ketabahan spiritual sahaja adalah pemangkin yg bisa mengharungi segala kejayaan menjurus ke arah kemegahan...

Ambil saja kesimpulan dari Kalifah Ali Ibn Abi Talib yang kehilangan perisai mampu mencabut pintu seberat 850 paun dan menggunakan nya sebagai perisai , dan sesudah tamat pertempuran pengikut pengikut nya bersilih ganti mencuba tetapi gagal mengangkat pintu berkenaan...

Lihatlah dan sedari kualiti yang di miliki dalam seorang bernama Kalifah Ali jelas mengatasi bilangan atau kuantiti yang berpihak pada Islam..

For Islam to be superior again , justice and absolute fairness should be the hallmark... Discard all hypocrisy and all other self serving missions...Amin