
Saturday, April 29, 2017

Parti Warisan Sabah janganlah Sampai dilabel ' Ibarat Melukut Di Tepi Gantang '

"Berputar pada sentimen kenegerian seperti yang hangat digempar gemburkan pucuk pimpinan parti secara idealnya dilepaskan pada Persatuan Persatuan Kebudayan atau NGO menanganinya dan bukanlah istihlah perjuangan yang dijadikan sebahagian dari hallmark didukung oleh sebuah Parti politik melainkan parti sedimikian telah ketandusan matlamat lantas kehilangan halatuju."

Merujuk kepada Artikel Shafie Apdal : Berikan Penghormatan Kepada Sambutan Pesta Kaamatan yang dipetik dari Portal Online Borneo Today bertarikh 26hb April 2017.


Shafie Apdal (Gambar )

Pesta Kaamatan atau nama lain iaitu (Tadau Kaamatan) atau di dalam bahasa Kadazan "Magavau" merupakan upacara perayaan khas untuk menghormati "Bambazon" iaitu untuk menghormati semangat padi. Perayaan ini adalah amalan secara tradisi Kaum Kadazan-Dusun sejak zaman berzaman. Perayaan "Magavau" ini biasanya diadakan selepas selesai menuai padi. Pesta Kaamatan yang dirayakan dewasa ini telah diluluskan oleh Majlis Undangan Kerajaan Koloni sebagai cuti umum Sabah sejak tahun 1960 lagi, oleh Tun Haji Mohamad Fuad Stephens, Ketua Menteri Sabah yang pertama.


Bagaikan melukut ditepi gantang merupakan perumpaman Melayu yang mengambarkan sesuatu yang tidak dihargai sangat.

Bahasa yang digandingkan untuk peribahasa ini menjelaskan maksud adalah.." keluar tidak mengurangi , masuk tidak memenuhi , atau sama ada tiada atau ada , tidak memberi makna atau kesan"
Dalam bahasa Sabah , ukay ukay saja bah , indada pun ndak apa jugak.

Melukut adalah serpihan beras pecah yang bertaburan. Gantang adalah penyukat untuk sukatan

 Ikthibar yang diperolehi dari perumpaman ini amat memadai bertindak sebagai catalyst mengubah corak perjuangan Pemimpin.

Ia mengharuskan pimpinan tertinggi sebuah parti politik , umpamanya  Parti Warisan Sabah memberi sepenuhnya tumpuan pada hal ehwal semasa ' more pressing issues ' yang melanda penduduk negeri Sabah secara langsung mahupun secara tidak lansung.

Antaranya , perbezaan kos barangan keperluan harian,akibat sistem polisi Cabotaj yang mengutamakan survival konsortium perkapalan milik kartel tertentu dan dalam masa yang sama langkah monopolistic sedimikian menguntungkan Pelabuhan di Semenanjung membelakangkan kepentingan Pelabuhan di Sabah dan Sarawak.

Kondisi jalanraya di keseluruhan Negeri yang jelas tidak mengambarkan kesimbangan dari segi pelaksanan walaupun kekayaan hasil bumi Negeri Sabah merupakan penyumbang utama kepada pembinaan lebuhraya di Malaya.
Political Will yang rapuh dikalangan pemimpin negeri adalah punca utama keadaan ini berlarutan sejak penubuhan Malaysia.


 Ini merupakan perkara perkara asas yang menghantui rakyat namun penyelesian belum kunjung tiba.

Ketiadaan bekalan air paip ' treated water' dan bekalan elektrik di kawasan pedalaman Sabah perlu dititik beratkan mengatasi isu budaya atau sosial. Kemiskinan dikalangan orang asal yang masih berluasa mencerminkan sebuah Negara yang gagal.
Perlu ditekankan untuk sebuah negara demokratik diistiharkan berjaya adalah dengan meniliti cara bagaimana layanan terhadap etnik indigenous minoriti oleh pihak berkuasa.


Kemiskinan tegar kalangan orang asal pedalaman Sabah mengharungi kehidupan tanpa bekalan air paip, tanpa elektrik, tanpa amenity asas. 

Sehubungan ini , untuk mencabar kewibawan "Status Quo" sedia ada , penekanan secara confrontational  keatas keperluan mengubah struktur agihan nisbah royalti minyak beserta dengan kuasa otonomi Sabah dalam pembentukan Malaysia merupakan antara isu panas dekat di hati penduduk negeri yang bukan setakat mampu melonjatkan populariti sebuah parti politik tetapi mampu juga mengubah pattern pengundian secara overall pada pilihanraya akan datang.

Dalam pada itu , ketentuan meletak calon pada pilihanraya akan datang perlu penilitian rapi . Sebaiknya calon terdiri dari muka baru tidak tercemar atau memikul " bagasi " politik .
Matlamat ini perlu disebut secara terperinci dalam manifesto .

Disusuli matlamat untuk merealisasikan pembinaan loji loji penapis minyak mentah serta konsentrasi aktiviti 'down streaming' hasil kelapa sawit dan oil and gas berpusat di Sabah dan langkah proaktif seumpamanya.

                Loji Penapis Minyak Terengganu di Kerteh, Terengganu

Galian Minyak Mentah Di Sabah  Loji Penapis Minyak Di Semenanjung

Memancing undi ( fishing expedition ) terutama dari kaum KDM melalui cadangan pengistiharan cuti seluruh Malaysia sempena Perayaan Pesta Menuai merupakan cara remeh yg seharusnya tidak perlu di beri penekanan atau di highlight sebagai usul yg akan dijadikan sebahagian daripada agenda parti.

Menumpu pada aspek peningkatan sumber pendapatan dan kualiti kehidupan serta budaya kerja cemerlang adalah pemangkin yang akan mencetus keinginan penduduk negeri untuk beralih dari lubuk "comfort zone" .
Terlalu banyak cuti akan membawa impak yang sebaliknya.

Parti Warisan sekiranya ingin menjadikan angan angan menarujui pucuk pimpinan negeri menjadi kenyataan perlu dalam masa terdekat ini menonjolkan keupayan untuk mengungguli Parti Parti lawan dari sudut kemampuan membawa perubahan radikal dalam soal sosio- ekonomi rakyat Sabah dan yang lebih utama mengadaptasikan pendekatan agar hasil bumi Negeri diagihkan secara saksama kepada segenap pelusuk warga negeri melalui konsep welfare state iaitu What belongs to the State goes back to its people literally.

Berputar pada sentimen kenegerian seperti yang hangat digempar gemburkan pucuk pimpinan parti secara idealnya dilepaskan pada Persatuan Persatuan Kebudayan atau NGO menaganinya dan bukanlah intipati yang dijadikan hallmark didukung oleh sebuah Parti politik melainkan parti sedimikian telah ketandusan matlamat lantas kehilangan halatuju.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Rare footage of an unsuccessful attempt by North Korea to launch the North Star 2 medium range missile

North Korea launched the North Star 2 medium-range missile.
Operating at low-speed velocity the missile took to the sky only to crash moments later.
Full photography, the video is rare, hard to come by.


In 1923, nine of the wealthiest people in the world met at Chicago's Edge Water Beach Hotel.

Their combined wealth, it is estimated, exceeded the wealth of the Government of the United States at that time. These men certainly knew how to make a living and accumulate wealth. Attending the meeting were the following men:

1. The president of the largest steel company,

2. The president of the largest utility company,

3. The president of the largest gas company,

4. The president of the New York Stock Exchange,

5. The president of the Bank of International Settlements,

6. The greatest wheat speculator,

7. The greatest bear on Wall Street,

8. The head of the World's greatest monopoly &

9. A member of President Harding's cabinet.

That's a pretty impressive line-up of people by anyone's yardstick.

Yet, 25 years later, where were those nine industrial giants?

Let’s examine what happened to them 25 years later.
1. The President of the then largest steel company (Bethlehem Steel Corp), Charles M Schwab, lived on borrowed capital for five years before he died bankrupt.

2. The President of the then largest gas company, Howard Hubson, went insane.

3. One of the greatest commodity traders (Wheat Speculator), Arthur Cutten, died insolvent.

4. The then President of the New York Stock Exchange, Richard Whitney, was sent to jail.

5. The member of the US President’s Cabinet (the member of President Harding's cabinet), Albert Fall, was pardoned from jail just to be able to go home and die in peace.

6. The greatest “bear” on Wall Street, Jesse Livermore committed suicide.

7. The President of the then world’s greatest monopoly, Ivar Krueger, committed suicide.

8. The President of the Bank of International Settlement, Leon Fraser, committed Suicide.

9. The president of the largest utility company, Samuel Insull, died penniless.

What they forgot was how to "make" life while they got busy making money!

Money in itself is not evil; it provides food for the hungry, medicine for the sick, clothes for the needy. Money is only a medium of exchange.

We need two kinds of education:

a) One that teaches us how to make a living,


b) One that teaches us how to live.

There are many of us who are so engrossed in our professional life that we neglect our family, health and social responsibilities.

If asked why we do this, we would reply that "We are doing it for our family".

Yet, our kids are sleeping when we leave home. They are sleeping when we come back home!! Twenty years later, we’ll turn back, and they’ll all be gone, to pursue their own dreams and their own lives.

Without water, a ship cannot move. The ship needs water, but if the water gets into the ship, the ship will face existential problems. What was once a means of living for the ship will now become a means of destruction.

Similarly we live in a time where earning is a necessity but let not the earning enter our hearts, for what was once a means of living will surely become a means of destruction for us as well.

So take a moment and ask yourself, "Has the water entered my ship?"
I hope not!

Hope the above story will drive all of us in a better direction in life.
    ''Alone I can 'Say' but
    together we can 'talk'.

    'Alone I can 'Enjoy' but
     together we can
    'Alone I can 'Smile' but
    together we can 'Laugh'.

    That's the BEAUTY of
    Human Relations.

    We are nothing without
    each other
    Stay Connected!! Be inspired!! Make someone smile today, and have a great day.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

It is not much about understanding the formation of Malaysia. It's more about respecting and honoring it.

It is not much about understanding the formation of Malaysia. It's more about respecting and honoring it.

Since day one prior to the formation of Malaysia, Malayan authorities and political counterparts never in the true essence of the word respected neither Sabah nor Sarawak as equal partners
They - Malayans , were up till this present day disillusioned by a superiority mental psyche towards their eastern counterparts in the "wild east" , a termed fondly used by the Malayan controlled central government to describe more than anything else the backwardness of the two Borneo States..

A Colonial masters legacy so damming an inheritance  embedded deeply in their  mental fraternity - a superiority complex which has been a stumbling block detrimental to both Sabah and Sarawak at fostering good relations with their partner across the South China Sea.

Governed by their superiority mindset , Sabah and Sarawak have remained at the loosing end , look down upon, shunned and reduced to being second class citizens.

The central establishment  without an iota of guilt has gone to the extent of shoveling aside a legit agreement that both Borneo provinces are equal partners in the formation of the country thus reducing the two independent provinces to mere states , a precursor to numerous other disrespectful initiatives undertaken against the people of these two entities.

Undermining stipulated rights of Sabah/Sarawak are political master plans perfected  down the years by the powers that be to continue having a strangle hold on the populace.

Demographics have been altered for political expediency. Jobs in both states are scarce due to the monopolistic pursuance of the central government,  Native and state lands taken up by huge Peninsular  base public listed companies leaving the natives  of the land with nothing but small plots to toil for a livelihood  hardly enabling to make ends meet.

More significantly, and to add salt to wound , Sabah and Sarawak have always been contributors not consumers of the country's coffers.
Why are we made to haggle when the bulk of natural resource are ours to begin with?

This is our 54th year as Malaysians yet the exploits of our beloved state has not hindered - lopsided policies prevailed to this very instant.

In areas where they failed to impose their policies either by coercion or  sinister plots ,  arm twisting tactics are applied  and the all important  aspect of our well-being which is security  as a bargaining chip.

All these  "short change"  ,"one-sided affair" and "unfair policies"  ,  boils down to one vivid manifestation  which is ,  since the birth of Malaysia ,  Sabah's prerogatives were handled by a lesser than formidable  leadership.
Sarawak has fared much better in this field.

The State yearns for a principled , determined , and a leadership with sheer guts to chart it's course.

Previous leaders notably the late Tun Mustapha was too ill educated to put up a sound diplomatic argument. Tun Sakaran in turn was a clear stooge.

Harris Salleh was over zealous to achieve his personal golds forgetting the very people who put him in power  were over the passage of time revolting against his stance on issues affecting the state. Needless to point out his role in the 85' saga and the skirmishes that followed.  

The Kitingan brothers on the other hand were pseudo statesmen , early at their tenure appeared all fired up only to self decimate. .
Our best bet were with those who perished in the double six tragedy  unfortunately their reign were cruelly halted prematurely.

The major factor why Sabah was enticed to be part of Malaysia is base on the MA63s solemn assurance of the State's status as an autonomous region within Malaysia..

Due emphasis  by our own representatives on the distortion of Malaysia Agreement 63 was never a prerogative that saw the light of day in the August House.

Decades later it takes an ethical Malayan Parliamentarian to voice out as visualize in the clip below Sabahs plight in a Dewan Rakyat sitting further echoing  the lackluster cum inferior attitude of our own people's representative.

The best case scenario for Sabah at present is to usher in a new breed of politicians unblemished  and without baggage to continue the aspirations pursued by victims of the double six tragedy. 

Monday, April 17, 2017

Battle hardened Philippine military soldiers are our best bet to eliminate the notorious Abu Sayyaff bandits

Battle hardened Philippine military soldiers are our best bet to eliminate the notorious Abu Sayaff bandits.

All it takes is a determined commandant in Chief to relentlessly direct offensive resources to this aim.

Human rights or not , as demonstrated in Duterte's undeterred rage at hardcore criminals dubbed as a " killing spree " of drug warlords and other vice elements have in many ways served its purpose if not in totality .
Preemptive strikes of this sought has instilled fear right into the heart of the organization.

Not to undermine the capability of our own military, Imagined if those with vested powers had at the time the political will and the balls to preempt the Tanduo insurgency. The casualty on our side would have been much less.

Abu Sayyaf Leader Among 6 Suspects Gunned Down in Central Philippines

Friday, April 7, 2017

Joceline Tan's take on Musa Aman and the impending State Elections.

Joceline Tan is a Mercenary journalist..

She has that sheepishness of endeavor in coexistence with a spectacular writing flare coupled with an apt of imposing an adequate percentage of spin to boost the accolades of a deadwood personality or an evil character the likes of Hitler and portray him as a saint. All for an handsome amount of fees.

Citizens of Sabah have no qualms personally with the present Chief Minister nor his services rendered to the state through out his tenure as the Chief Executive Officer. 14 years to date.

Joceline is right to point out that Musa has been wealthy long before his involvement in politics. This fact sets him apart from many opportunists clowns masquerading as politicians who are in it(politics) for monetary gain. The emphasis on his  kin's  as Joceline puts it , living a moderate existence is however uncalled for. Pretending to live modestly and  by contrast genuinely living a modest life are subject matters that differs.

Perhaps many would agree , voters are ready to give Musa another five year term to run the state only if he is not in cohorts with UMNO. This is the ultimate setback hoovering over Musa's head and that of his future as CM.

Sabah and Sarawak are twice the size of Malaya as Jocelyne points out clearly, nonetheless what she presumably fails to mention is the amount of revenue extracted each day from these two Borneo entities solely for the benefit of Malaya while Sabah and Sarawak abudantly blessed with natural resources receive peanuts in return hence the mocking remarked ' two of the poorest states'

Taking into account previous political establishments , UMNO has reached the pinnacle of its might with much fanfare but little to shout about as far as real economical , infrastructure and development progress particularly for Sabah. Besides, its the norm for the state to  try out new Leadership and Political affiliates at the end of the five year mandatory allocation given a twist of good faith stretching to the
extent for the incumbent remaining in office for a spell of two or three terms the most.
Chief Executive Officers of previous administrations had a first hand experienced of this phenomena ,their so called 'Waterloo' before their third term was up. Musa must be thanking his lucky stars for not having to go through similar predicament.
Will there be a fourth term for him is now the golden question?

Hot issues on the streets that of project ic, autonomous rights under Malaysia Agreement 63, Crude Oil royalty,massive misused of tax payers and revenue money lend credence to the potential demise of the present status quo.

Moreover , with the advent of information technology thanks to the internet the present generation are no more as naive as generations of yesteryears

Almost everything falls under their radar no matter how secretive the government chooses to be. A new trend that has emerged which is hazardous to any dubious regime A  trend that ultimately sets an untrustworthy leadership  in dire straits.
Read Here.